Free Angel Card Readings - Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards by Dyan Garris
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"Money and Manifesting" by Dyan Garris
Not just another manual about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking, Ms. Garris teaches what stands
in our way of manifesting, how to unblock the energy flow of money, and how to actually transform energy to get what you desire.
And there is something else very different here. Parts of the book are fictionalized. There is a very good story that
everyone can relate to. When we can see our own reflection from a different perspective, we then have opportunity
for transformation. Another purpose of this is because fiction is processed with the emotional part of the self, while
information is processed with the thinking part of the self. It helps your left brain integrate with your right brain.
So, when you get done with the book you've already begun the first steps toward manifesting. Automatically.

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