The American
Constitution dictates separation of church and state. After reading "Waking God", I'm wondering if it's possible. The key
word here is 'wondering'. If the intent of this book, and the ones to follow in the series, is to provoke critical thinking,
it's a huge success. Calling it provocative is an understatement. It's centered around the 'precipitating
event' theory that all that was, or is, has been directed by a cause or an effect of that cause. Which came first the chicken
or the egg kind of thinking.
But, this
work is written to entice and to please a broad cross-section of readers. First, it's a novel rather than a research report
or a porportment of doctrine. Second, it's cross-genre driven. It's a thriller, a mystery, a sci-fi epic, and almost a romance.
Thirdly, it's timely. So timely that it encompasses questions and events as ageless and as current as humanity itself. Questions
and events, however, that few have courage to ask or even address. As a writer of things more
philosophical and Spiritual myself, and as a reader of anything thought provoking or environmental, I was mesmerized by this
book's premise. Were all my questions answered? No. Were more questions raised? Absolutely. But, it succeeded in doing what
I think the authors intended. It made me think.
I highly
recommend "Waking God" to anyone who has an open and questioning mind. If you're locked into a limited scientific or political
view, or a rigid doctrinal thinking, you may end up frustrated. Perhaps, the authors intended that as well. My kudos to both
of them.
After his creation, God causes a deep sleep to
overcome Adam, but he is never awakened.It is in his dream that we live and
breathe and have our existence. Now, Adam plans to dream himself into existence.He has waited for the right time in which to combine the two genetic components of
the godseed that are now manifesting in Andrew, a Boston College professor of religion,
and Mara, a dark Middle Eastern beauty.
But supernatural
beings have created the idea of a vengeful God in order to maintain their existence and their power in the dream. Michael, the leader of these beings, desires to keep humanity in the spiritual dark ages. Conversely, Mantrella, the bringer of light, wants to open the dream to the path of wisdom through which man must experience life in order to gain eventual godhood.While one strives to keep the god sleeping, the other, by
ensuring Adam’s physical birth, desires to see mankind evolve to a higher spiritual level.
The story, set in the near future, explores the
role of secret societies in forging the battle lines in the dream and offers insights into the Templars, the Rose Cross, the
Teutonic Knights, the Knights of Malta, and the Tarot code. Waking God portrays a world of duality in which one man must take responsibility for his own destiny and not rely
on the false promises that all will be well if he obeys the dictates of organized religions.